‘Purchased WD TV Live and hooked it to my Tivo Premiere 4XL via a HDMI cable. When I power up the WD TV Live my Tivo box doesn't see it. Help!’
‘I have just purchased a WD TV Live Streaming Media Player to use in my motorhome since I do not have internet access for streaming purposes’
‘I have just purchased a WD TV Live Streaming Media Player to use in my motorhome since I do not have internet access for streaming purposes’

Have you met the similar issues from above? In fact, it is correct that the WD TV has no ability of playing the Tivo files well. As professional digital video recorder, Tivo has offered us marvelous videos, TV shows, and movies. What a pity is that the Tivo files cannot usually be accepted by media players or transferred to portable devices. For example, could you directly play your Tivo files on Android tablets, Samsung TVs or Apple iPad?
Someone there may say the ‘Tivo Transfer’ could work Tivo files well for a playback on WD TV live. However, it cannot customize my video size and edit videos with good effects what I want, so is there any other better Tivo converters? Of course! Pavtube Video Converter for Windows/Mac is a professional Tivo converter for nicely transcoding. Once we know the suitable ones for editing tools or media players, various output formats are allowed there.
Step-by-step guide on how to convert Tivo to MP4 or others?
Differs from other methods of importing, when we download and install the program, click on the ‘Option’ button on the main interface, input your ‘Tivo Media Access Key’ to let your files in.

Tips: How to find your Tivo Media Access key? Just go to the ‘Tivo Cetral ‘menu>>’Message and Set up’ Account and system information’, your Media Access Key would be there.
Which one we could choose as the best for WD TV Live for a playback, just come to the output list and select the ‘HD Video’>>’H.264 HD Video(*.mp4) as you want. Why not take the following screen shot for a reference?

How to customize our video clips? Back to the main interface, you can easily find the pencil icon for ‘Edit’, open the item, you can find more options there. Such as ‘Trim’, ‘Crop’, or ‘Subtitles’ you can have a try here.
At the end, just go back to the main interface to hit the red big button 'Covnert' as the last step! With a 6X faster speed of covnersion, you can just be relaxed here! With this Tivo to MP4 converter, no worries about the Tivo files any more, right? Let's enjoy it!