Some common issues you may meet when converting AVCHD MTS files with incomplete private folder structure, right? Here we go.

Don't worry. You can still edit these video files but you will need to convert them to a format that Final Cut Pro can read. You can use Adobe Media Encoder to do this. Adobe Media Encoder is installed on all Digital Media Labs (CMA 4.100) computers. Follow the steps below to use Adobe Media Encoder to convert .mts files into QuickTime movies that Final Cut Pro can edit:
Launch Adobe Media Encoder .Then drag and drop your .mts video files into the Que window.

Click on the Triangle button under Format to pull up the drop down menu of formats. Choose Quicktime/

Click on the Triangle Button under Preset to pull up the drop down menu of presets. Choose HD 720p 24, H.264, ACC, 48kHz.

Once all files have been imported and you have applied all the settings click on the Green play button. This will start converting all the files in the QUE. You can change the destination of the files under Output File.

Adobe Media Encoder will begin to convert all of the files in the Que.

Don’t you feel the solutions we mentioned above a bit complex? On the other hand, we here also have the solution 2. You can free download the Pavtube MTS/M2TS Converter for Win/Mac, with a try by yourself, no worries about the incomplete structure anymore. Due to the complete folder imported for a first step, easy operation, faster conversion speed or even the various output items, it is popular among most video editors.
